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Third Class
Fáilte go Rang a dó! We are 26 hard-working boys and we love being in Harold Boys. Our teacher is Ms Molyneaux. You can contact Ms Molyneaux on aladdin Noticeboard by clicking on green button. Have a look below at our latest news.

Seachtain na Gaeilge
Bhaineamar taitneamh as an Tráth na gCeist le Rang a Trí.

Scríobh Leabhar
We loved reading our ‘Scríobh Lebahar’ to Rang a 4 yesterday! We also got the chance to read their excellent stories!

Chinese New Year
We had a brilliant presentation all about the Chinese New Year from a student in the class. He did a super job and gave out special red...

Best of luck to our coach Aodhán and the rest of the Cuala team in the football final this weekend!

All about Australia
We have been learning all about Australia in Rang a 3! The boys have been doing an excellent job researching for their projects this week !

Science Week
We had a very busy science week in Rang a 3! We learned about lots of different scientists including Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein,...

Drumming Workshop
We had a great time at our drumming workshop today!

Mary Murphy
We had a lovely trip to Dalkey library to listen to the author Mary Murphy!

We had a fabulous 6 weeks with Ryan improving our rugby skills and playing lots of great games !

Minibeast Hunt
We have been learning all about minibeasts and their habitats in Rang a 3! We carried out a Minibeast Hunt around the school grounds and...

Living Things
In Rang a 3 we are learning all about plants, and what they need to grow. We carried out an experiment to see the effect sun and light...

We are so lucky to have Ed every Thursday for basketball!

We had a fabulous time learning how to skip with John today!

Seaside Fun on Sandycove Beach
Rang a dó had a fabulous time building sandcastles on Sandycove beach! The boys showed off their amazing creativity and teamwork skills...

Soccerthon 2024
Rang a dó did a superb job in the Soccerthon 2024. We had great fun playing soccer and we enjoyed some tasty treats after the...

Wellbeing Week 2024
Rang a dó had great fun throughout wellbeing week 2024! Our week was jam-packed with exciting activities such as a yoga workshop, a visit...

Fun with measures
Rang a dó had great fun learning all about capacity in maths. We experimented with lots of different containers and used our knowledge to...

Avon Rí 2024
Rang a dó had a wonderful time on our school tour to Avon Rí along with rang a trí. We had a busy day filled with excellent activities...

Sports Day 2024
Rang a dó had a blast at sports day 2024 with lots of medals won. Congratulations to all our sporty boys and well done to all for taking...

Skipping Workshop 2024
Everyone really enjoyed our skipping workshop today. The boys were learning the fundamentals of skipping and had a great time. Skipping...

Treodóireacht le Rang a 2
Second class enjoyed orienteering on our Active School Walkway as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Masters of Regrouping!
Rang a dó have been working very hard at regrouping in maths - we used lollipop sticks, matchsticks and place value grids to practise our...

Readers, readers always win!
Rang a dó had great fun dressing up as their favourite characters from some of their favourite books - from Cat in the Hat and Harry...

Building bridges
Mr McCarthy was very impressed with the boys in rang a dó who did amazing things with uncooked spaghetti and mini marshmallows. The boys...

Spring has sprung!
Some of our boys in rang a dó did great work today planting flowers with Ms Fogarty - well done boys!

Christmas Cinema Trip 2023
On Monday 16th December the whole school went to the IMC in Dun Laoghaire to see the movie Wonka. We went on the Dart, using the school...
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