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Fourth Class
Is muidne Rang a Ceathair! Our teacher is MsCrowley. You can contact our teacher on aladdin Noticeboard by clicking the green button. Our favourite day in school is Friday when we have computers and art. We are looking forward to going swimming this term.
The boys loved estimating and measuring lengths around the school.
Skeletal system
Rang a 4 are learning all about the human body this month. This week we learnt about the skeletal system.
Christmas play
Rang a 4 loved performing their Christmas play 'Gold Frankincense and Mirth' for their parents and school.
Christmas jumpers
Rang a 4 enjoyed creating Christmas jumpers and stockings in the lead up to Christmas!
New Maths Curriculum
4th class are loving the new maths curriculum with its focus on concrete materials.
History week
We celebrated history week last week. The boys loved learning about the medieval times. In art we made shields and swords.
History and Art
The boys on rang 4 are learning all about the medieval times. We made a swords last week and will make shields and helmets this week. We...
Science Week
Rang 4 loved completing all the science experiments this week. We created a lava lamp, water chimes, bouncy egg and found out that metal...
Drumming Workshop
Rang 4 loved the drumming workshop today!
Our Crannóg Village
Rang a 4 completed their crannóg village! The are on display in the school hall. Tá said go hiontach!
Minibeast hunt
Before the midterm break the boys went out and collected minibeasts. We collected, identified, drew and examined the minibeasts. We found...
Lines and angles
This week we are learning all about lines and angles. The boys went on a line and angle trail around the school and will do the same at...
We love project work!
Today we got into groups and completed project work on the Celts! Great job rang a 4!
Our Crannógs!
This month we have been learning all about the Celts. We designed crannógs and standing stones. We even wrote our name in Ogham writing...
Our Portraits
Rang a 4 completed their work on drawing this month with their portraits. Tá siad ar fheabhas!
Cuala trip
As a treat for working hard all week, rang a 4 had their minutes in Cuala. We all got an ice pop too!
Our trip to Dalkey library
Today 4th class had our first trip to the library. The boys enjoyed picking out new books and then spending time in the Maeve Binchy...
We are back!
After a lovely summer off we are back! We have our class contract up and signed and are ready to roll! We are loving PE, Go noodle,...
We are learning all about plants this month. We collected and identified leaves. We are carrying out experiments this week. We will find...
Sports Day 2024
Congratulations to all the boys for taking part in all sports day had to offer. They won lots of medal and had great fun. They got an ice...
Avon RÃ
Rang a trà had a great day in Avon Rà on June 4th. Despite the weather, they enjoyed lots of fun filled activities, such as rock...
Wellbeing Week 2024
The boys in rang a trà had great fun with all the activities on offer during wellbeing week. They took part in a yoga workshop, had a...
Maritime Museum
Rang a 3 enjoyed a trip to the Maritime Museum in Dun Laoghaire where they had an informative tour and learned lots about Ireland’s...
Active Day- Killiney Hill
The boys in 3rd class really enjoyed their day on Killiney Hill during Active Schools Week. It was a huge success!
Skipping Workshop 2024
The boys learned lots of new skills and improved their skipping. They really enjoyed the workshop!
Céilà le Loreto
Rang a 3 have been working really hard over the past few weeks with their dancing. They had the opportunity to go to Loreto Dalkey and...
All about Ireland!
Rang a 3 have been learning all about Ireland. They used chromebooks to research Gaelic football and hurling.
World Book Day 2024
Some great costumes for World Book Day in 3rd class!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
The boys took part in orienteering during Seachtain na Gaeilge!
Spring planting
Some of the boys in rang a 3 planting some flowers for Spring with the help of Ms. Fogarty!
St Brigid’s Day
The boys worked very hard to make their St. Brigid's day crosses with pipe cleaners!
Tinfoil Towers
Using only tinfoil, which group could make the highest tower?
Viking Warriors
Rang a 3 learned all about the Vikings and their lifestyles. They completed projects, made weapons and created helmets!
Performing Arts with Molly
Rand a 3 are currently participating in the dlr Primary Arts Programme and are enjoying their weekly dance classes with our choreographer...
Science Week 2023
Rang a 3 took part in lots of different experiments during science week. Learning about density and chemical reactions! There's...
Drumming workshop
The boys really enjoyed their drumming workshop and learned lots of new skills and techniques!
Whose egg will crack?
The boys used different materials- tissue paper, string and newspaper to protect their egg. We dropped them from high in the air and...
Multiplication is fun!
Third class are having lots of fun with multiplication dice games this morning. Who managed to fill their page first?
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