Active School Flag
We were so excited to be awarded our first Active school flag in June 2023.
Our Active School Committee 2023/24
Our Active School Committee is made up of two boys from each class.
We have monthly meetings to discuss upcoming events and initiatives.
The boys work very hard to keep everyone in the school fit and active in different, fun and exciting ways!
5th & 6th class Gaelic Football Teams 2023
We are an Active School!
Our Active Committee is off to a great start this year setting two different yet, exciting challenges for the boys in our school. This Autumn, 2nd 3rd and 4th class are enjoying the 'Run Around Ireland' Challenge while 5th and 6th class are completing the 'Marathon Kids' Programme.
Run Around Ireland!
Marathon Kids!
Our Active School Committee organised a Maths Trail on our Active School Walkway for Maths Week.
Maths Week | October 2023
Our Active School Bulletin Board
We love acknowledging all the active achievements of our students, both in and outside of school! We use our Active School Flag bulletin board to display their amazing achievements!
Obstacle Course 2023
Walk a Winter Mile
'The Twelve Days of Fitness' Challenge
Drop Everything and Dance!
We play lots of different sports in our school!
Gaelic Football
We love staying active in our locality!
Sandycove Beach
Cuala GAA Club
Killiney Hill
Dalkey Island
Active School Committee 2022/23
Well done to Ms Molyneaux and everyone on our Active School committee last year.
We are healthy, we are fit, Harold Boys' never quit!
Congratulations to Matthew in Rang a 2 who created our fantastic slogan!
Our Active School Slogan 2022
What club are you in?
Our 6th class pupils on the Active School Committee conducted a ‘What Club Are You In?’ survey to find out about physical activity opportunities in the local community. They used a block chart to graph the information!
Active News!
A lovely article in the Dalkey Newsletter about our work towards our first Active School Flag written by Aran who is on the Active School Committee!
Physical Education | Gymnastics
In 2022/23 we focused on the strand of Gymnastics in PE. Every class has been learning different balances, rolls and sequences. Every class has made great progress!
Primary Aquatics Water Safety (PAWS) Programme
Every class has taken part in the Land PAWS water safety programme this year. They have learned all about the importance of safety around water. This has been very beneficial for our swimming lessons in Castlepark this year!
Marathon Kids Ireland
Physical Activities
Fifth and Sixth Class took part in the 'Marathon Kids' Challenge. They ran a marathon over eight weeks in school! To celebrate their last kilometre the boys ran around Cuala! Second class and our Active School committee members joined them to support their final stint!
Run Around Ireland Challenge
Rang a 2, 3 & 4 have been taking part in the Run Around Ireland Challenge. They have clocked up a lot of kilometers running laps of the yard!
Active Lines and Yard Games
Our Playground Leaders thought of excellent exercises to keep the whole school active in their lines after break time!
Our Playground Leaders have also been doing a great job of creating different games for the boys to play during break time such as penalty shoot out, hot-seat, skipping, hula hoop games and new types of tag!
Movement Breaks
We love using GoNoodle, 10@10, laps and our Active Walkway for brain breaks throughout our busy school days!
Active Walkway
We really enjoyed planning our Active Walkway. It has been very effective. Each class uses it for movement breaks, orienteering, naming different flags and using it to name famous athletes during Active Week.
Active Week 2023
Obstacle Course
The Playground Leaders set up an excellent obstacle course for the whole school to complete during Active Schools Week!
Active Fun Day in Cuala
We had a fantastic active fun day in Cuala during Active School Week! The boys completed lots of different team games, archery, tug of war, bean bag throw, tag rugby, limbo, orienteering and then finished off the day with Slip and Slide!
Staff versus 6th Class Basketball Match
There was great excitement for our Staff vs 6th class basketball match!
Thank you to Ed Randolph for refereeing and to all the great supporters!
Penalty Shoot Out Competition
The whole school took part in a penalty shoot out competition! Congratulations to our winners and well done to every boy for taking part!